Dr Eloise Elphinstone
General Practitioner
Eloise has been an NHS GP in Southwest London for nearly 10 years. As part of her broader practice she has a particular interest in women’s health. She trained at Bristol University and before settling in London, she spent a year doing obstetrics and gynaecology in Perth, Western Australia, which she loved and which sparked her passion for women’s health. She holds the diploma in family planning and obstetrics and gynaecology and is a contraceptive coil and implant fitter. She has a particular interest in postnatal health and menopause and is currently training to be an advanced menopause specialist. She works as an associate specialist in the menopause clinic at West Middlesex Hospital and privately for Menopause Care. She is interested in lifestyle medicine and tries to use this her practice.
Eloise is keen to help improve postnatal care and has written two leaflets ‘Your guide to postnatal health and wellbeing’ and ‘Your guide to the health and wellbeing of your new baby’ for the Family Planning Association. She is about to publish another leaflet on Sex and relationships postnatally!
When she is not being kept busy by her two young children, she love to keep fit and particularly enjoy barre classes, body pump, running and skiing.